
タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Kinanthropologica P780 A15  
Activities, adaptation & aging P493 A15-2  
Adapted physical activity quarterly P780 A16  
Advances in exercise and sports physiology P780 A16-1  
Aethlon: the journal of sport literature P780 A68-1  
African journal for physical activity and health sciences P780 A18-2  
Alpen, Die : Zeitschrift des Schweizer Alpen-Club P786 A41-1  
American journal of clinical hypnosis P146 A44  
American journal of health education P374 H51-1  
American journal of health promotion P498 A44-5  
American journal of psychology, The P140 A44  
American journal of sociology P360 A44  
American journal of sports medicine, The P780 A44-1  
American sociological review P360 A44-1  
Anatomical science international P491 A46-1  
Annual review of anthropology 469 A49 図書扱い
Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular structure 461.2 A49 図書扱い
Annual review of nutrition 498.53 A49 図書扱い
Annual review of physiology 491.304 A49 図書扱い
Annual review of psychology 140.4 A49 図書扱い
Annual review of public health 498 A49 図書扱い
Anthropological science P469 J52  
Asian journal of sport history & culture      
Athletic business P780 A94-7  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Bewegung & Sport P780 L53-2  
Biological chemistry P491 H86  
British journal of sports medicine P780 B74-1  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Camping magazine P786 C14-1  
Clinical journal of sport medicine P780 C78-2  
Clinical orthopaedics and related research P494 C78  
Clinics in sports medicine 780 C78 図書扱い
Curriculum studies in health and physical education P780 A46-1  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Dance chronicle P769 D36-1  
Dance magazine P769 D36  
Dance research journal P769 D36-2  
Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Sportmedizin P780 Sp6-8  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Educational studies in Japan P371 E24-1  
European journal of sport science P780 E85-2 ~2004E-J only
European physical education review P780 P57-7  
European sport management quarterly P780 E85-3  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Folk dance scene P799 F37  
For the learning of mathematics P375 F39  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research P780 Sp6-14  
Global Health Promotion P374 I57  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Health education journal P374 H51  
Health education & behavior P374 H51-3  
Human factors P501 H98  
Human movement science P780 H98  
Human performance P140 H98  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
International journal of aging and human development P490 I57  
International journal of athletic therapy & training P780 A94-9  
International journal of curriculum development and practice P375 J24  
International journal of kinesiology in higher education P780 I57-21  
International journal of physical education P780 G99  
International journal of rehabilitation research P494 I57  
International journal of science education P375 I57  
International journal of science education. Part B, Communication and public engagement P375 I57-1  
International journal of sport communicationm P780 I57-18  
International journal of sport nutrition and exercuse metabolism P780 I57-7  
International journal of sport management and marketing P780 I57-15  
International journal of sport psychology P780 I57  
International journal of sports dentistry P780 I57-19  
International journal of sports medicine  P780 I57-4  
International journal of sports physiology & performance P780 I57-16  
International journal of sports science & coaching P780 I57-12  
International journal of the history of sport, The P780 B74-2  
International review for the sociology of sport. P780 I57-1  
International review of sport and exercise psychology P780 I57-17  
International sport coaching journal P780 I57-20  
International Sports Studies(ISS) P780 J82-17  
Isokinetics and exercise science P780 I85  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
JAMA pediatrics P493 J17 保健医療
Japanese psychological research P140 J24  
JOPERD P780 J82  
Journal de traumatologie du sport P780 J82-13  
Journal of aging and physical activity P780 J82-21  
Journal of applied biomechanics P780 I57-6
Journal of applied psychology P149 J82  
Journal of applied sport psychology P780 J82-20  
Journal of clinical sport psychology P780 J82-25  
Journal of educational psychology P371 J82  
Journal of educational research P370 J82  
Journal of environmental education, The P374 J82-1  
Journal of experimental psychology. Animal Learning and Cognition P141 J82-1  
Journal of experimental psychology. Applied P141 J82-5  
Journal of experimental psychology. General P141 J82  
Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance P141 J82-3  
Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory and cognition P141 J82-2  
Journal of health and social behavior P498 J82-2  
Journal of leisure research P790 J82  
Journal of motor behavior P140 J82  
Journal of neurophysiology P491 J82-4  
Journal of park and recreation administration P790 J82-2  
Journal of physical activity & health P780 J82-27  
Journal of science and medicine in sport, The P780 A96-1  
Journal of social psychology, The P361 J82  
Journal of special education research P378 To43  
Journal of sport & exercise psychology P780 J82-9  
Journal of sport and social issues P780 J82-5  
Journal of sport history P780 J82-3  
Journal of sport management P780 J82-14  
Journal of sport rehabilitation P780 J82-19  
Journal of sport & tourism P790 J82-3  
Journal of sports economics P780 J82-24  
Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. P780 J82-4  
Journal of sports sciences P780 J82-8  
Journal of strength and conditioning research P780 J82-15  
Journal of the philosophy of sport P780 J82-10  
Journal of trauma and acute care surgery P494 J82-1  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Kinesitherapie P780 A49  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Leipziger Sportwissenschaftliche Beitrage P780 W78  
Leistungssport P780 L53-3  
Leisure=Loisir P791 R22-4  
Leisure, recreation and tourism abstracts R790.31 L53  
Leisure sciences P790 L53-1  
Leisure studies P790 L53-2  
Loisir et societe P790 L83  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Magyar sporttudomanyi szemle P780 Sp6-76  
Managing Sport and Leisure P790 Ma43  
Medicina dello sport P780 Me14-3  
Motorik P146 Mo88  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Nature P400 N58  
New England journal of medicine P490 N68 保健医療


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Parks & recreation P790 P24  
Pedagogy in health promotion P374 P34  
Pediatric exercise science P780 P34  
Perceptual and motor skills P780 P41  
Physical education and sport pedagogy P780 E85-1  
Physical educator, The P780 P57-1  
Physical therapy in sport P780 P57-9  
Physiological reviews P491 P57  
Praxis der Psychomotorik P146 P87  
Psychological bulletin P140 P95-1  
Psychological review P140 P95  
Psychology of sport and exercise P780 P95-1  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Quest P780 Q5  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Recreational sports journal P780 N11  
Research in sports medicine P780 Sp6-54  
Research quarterly for exercise and sport P780 R28  
Revue EP.S. P780 E24  
Rugby world P783 R83  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Sb : international magazine for sports, leisure and recreational facilities P780 Sp6-12  
Science & Medicine in Football P783 Sc9  
Science & sports P780 Sc9-2  
Sems-journal P780 Sc8  
Skating P784 Sk-3  
Soccer and society P783 So13-2  
Social education P379 So13  
Social studies and the young learner P375 So13  
Sociology of education P371 So13  
Sociology of sport journal P780 So13  
Sport, business and management : an international journal P780 Sp6-11  
Sport, education and society P780 Sp6-73  
Sport, ethics and philosophy P780 Sp6-101  
Sport history review P780 C15-1  
Sport in society P780 C95-1  
Sport marketing quarterly P780 Sp6-66  
Sport Praxis P780 P89  
Sport psychologist, The P780 Sp6-47  
Sportpädagogik P375 Sp6-1  
Sports biomechanics P780 Sp6-83  
Sports engineering P780 Sp6-75  
Sports health P780 Sp6-98  
Sports illustrated P780 Sp6-10  
Sports medicine P780 Sp6-40  
Sports medicine and arthroscopy review P494 Sp6  
Sportunterricht P780 L53  
Sportverletzung Sportschaden P780 Sp6-50  
SpuRt : Zeitschrift fur sport und Recht P780 Sp9  
Strategies P780 St8  
Sweet & Maxwell's International Sports Law Review P780 Sw4  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Theory & research in social education P379 Th3  
Therapeutic recreation journal P790 Th3  
Turnen & sport P782 Tu7  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
World soccer P783 W88  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik P374 Z2  
Zeitschrift fur Sportpsychologie P780 P95  


タイトル 請求記号 所蔵館
Теория и практика физической культуры P780 Te38-1  
Физическая культура в школе P375 F29  
Физкультура и спорт P780 F29  
武漢体育学院学報 P780 B87  
中国学校体育 P375 C62  
中国体育報 P780 Ta22 新聞
中国体育科技 P780 C62-1  
中華武術 P789 C64  
中華養生保健 P498 C64  
田径 P782 D57  
人民日報     新聞,短期(1ヶ月)保存
健康報 P498 Ke45 新聞
健与美 P782 Ke52  
北京体育大学学報 P780 P36  
兵兵世界 P783 P66  
籃球 P783 R16  
西安体育学院学報 P780 Se17  
上海体育大学学報 P780 Sh12  
新体育 P780 Sh57  
足球世界 P780 So32  
体育 (復印報刊資料) P780 Ta22-2  
体育文化導刊 P780 Ta22-5  
体育科学 P780 Ta22-1  
体育与科学 P780 Ta22-8  
天津体育学院学報 P780 Te37  
